Thursday, January 22, 2015

Healthy eating week!

Healthy Eating
This week in social skills we talked about healthy vs. unhealthy foods. The students had to put pictures of different foods into healthy/unhealthy categories. They also learned about the four food groups:
  • Fruits/vegetables
  • Dairy
  • Grains
  • Protein
We did an activity where each student had 4-5 cards each. They had to come up and categorize their food picture or word into the correct food group.
 To put the food groups into practice, the students then had their own worksheet where they cut and glued pictures into the correct groups.
Everyday this week during snack, I served my students healthy snacks. 
  • Tuesday- grapes
  • Wednesday- carrots
  • Thursday- apple slices and peanut butter
*I asked them to try it even if they didn't like it. I had a student who didn't like carrots try a bite. I was so happy he at least tried! Then I saw him stand up 5 minutes later and spit out the bite into a tissue. It was so funny! 


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